Monday, April 1, 2013

New Releases

I love to read.  But sometimes (okay, most of the time!) I find the process of picking out books to add to my to-read list more fun than actually reading the books themselves.  My to-read list currently has 225 books on it, and it is growing on a daily basis.  There are books that have been on that list for years, and they will probably remain on the list for more years and possibly forever.  Picking out books is just so much fun for me!  I will never have time to actually read all of them.

However, right now, there are two books on my to read list that I am really eager to move to my "read" list.  Both of these books will be released tomorrow.  I rarely ever spend money on brand new books.  But I am so tempted to buy both of these on their release date!  I am sitting on some Amazon gift cards that I was trying to save for something bigger and more important.  But I might just spend some of my gift card on these books.  Or I can wait patiently to get my copy on the library's waiting list.  We'll see...

Here are the books that I am so eager to read!

Life after Life by Kate Atkinson.  I have read a few books by Atkinson, and I enjoyed them.  This one looks very unique and interesting and extremely ambitious, and I have read several glowing reviews that make me super curious.  Amazon listed it as one of the best books of the month with these words of praise:  "Life After Life is an extraordinary feat of narrative ambition, an audacious genre-bender, and a work of literary genius."  All the early hype for this book may be setting me up for disappointment, but I just have to read it and find out for myself!

Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight.  I hadn't heard of this one until I read this review in Entertainment Weekly yesterday.  The reviewer compares it to Gone Girl, which was one of my favorite books last year.  I'm in the mood for a book that I have to stay up all night reading because I just can't put it down...and this one looks like it could be a winner.

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